
September 15, 2011

It Was More Than Literary and a Uniform Drive

I was excited this summer when a fellow pageant sister, Mrs. Delaware America-Shana Williams, asked me to assist with a clothing drive for Warner Elementary School in Wilmington, but I was even more excited when she asked me and my reigning sister, Mrs. Delaware United State-Angie Bell to visit the school to read to Kindergartners and First grade students.
Having the passion and love that I do for education, I relished in the fact that the students at Warner were so excited to see us. They listened attentively as each of us read our stories and showered us with hugs and kisses but the biggest take-away for me was the fact that we need to do more to prepare our students for academic success.
Our children need love, support, supplies, uniforms, discipline and teachers and communities who care. As I looked around the room I saw children that truly appreciated us spending time with them. I even witnessed a student come for a mentoring session and saw how happy that little girl was to see her mentor waiting for her in the library -- she skipped right into the library and hug her mentor and then they were off for what was probably a rewarding hour of shared time.
I welcome any opportunity to visit with the young people in our school system and charge anyone reading this to take time to give back...especially if you have children; what a great place to start! Mentoring and home and then letting that spirit flourish and impact the lives of others.

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